About ~ Meet Kurrent Motion!

My hoop journey started out much like your own.
I purchased a kids hoop from Toys R Us. But no matter how hard I tried, I could not keep it up. And I mean I tried for hours, DAYS EVEN! Little did I know, my hoop was too small.
As anyone would, I asked Google, "Can an adult learn to hula hoop?" It went a little something like this...
Google: You need a bigger hoop.
Me: What? A BIGGER hoop?!?! Google, you must be mistaken.
Google: Nope, it's true!
Me: How? Why?
Google: Because science!
Google went on to explain, "bigger hula hoops have a larger circumference meaning they move slower. This gives you more time to find your rhythm!"
So reluctantly, but obediently, I went out and purchased my first BIG hoop. Sure enough, it worked. A total game changer! I even found 4 hoop tutorials on YouTube to learn the basics. I was hooked!
As an added benefit to all that playing I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks, and 75 lbs in 2 years! But most importantly, I found my talent and my passion.

Shortly after discovering my adoration for hula hooping, I set my sights on traveling. As it turns out, it is more affordable to move to a new country rather than take a 2 week vacation. So I acquired a working holiday visa and moved to Dublin, Ireland in 2011.
I had many noteworthy experiences but the one that really stuck with me was attending my first hoop class at the 1st Annual Irish Hoop Convention. I learned from the brilliant Gail O'Brien, and the extraordinary Emma Kenna, among other great hoopers.
It was then that I realized "Professional Hula Hooper" was not only a real job, but that I wanted to be one!

I began practicing more variations of Hooping (singles, doubles, & minis) and learning how to handcraft my own hoops. For several years I developed my hoop-abilities, perfected my hoop recipe, and practiced teaching and sharing the joy of hula hooping.

It wasn't until I moved to New Zealand on another working holiday visa, when I began Kurrent Motion.

On February 19th, 2014, I taught my first Intro to Hula Hoop Fitness class and I had the honor of teaching 2 hoopers how to hoop for the very first time. They loved it!

Before long I had grown to a larger venue with multiple sold out classes each week!

It was truly the best experience and I found my occu"passion"!
I went on to teach and attend many classes all around the world. Helping hundreds find their perfect hula hoop and teaching thousands more how to keep it up!
Today, I am back home in Winnipeg where I handcraft hoops out of my home and host classes at local community centres and events.
I can't wait to make your first hoop so you can hoop too!
Karrie Blackburn
Hoopist & Founder of Kurrent Motion